Monday, July 1, 2013

Patients For A Moment Is Here July 15, 2013!

This month’s edition is going to be a bit unique.  It has multiple parts and you can do any or all of them.

I recently jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, so this month’s edition is inspired by that.

The first question is:

What can you say about your illness in 140 characters?

For this, there are two options:

1)      Write one statement that is up to 140 characters and then spend the rest of the post describing in depth what you mean.


2)     Write a post that has as many statements as you want that are written in up to 140 characters each.

The second question is:

How has social media impacted your illness experience?  This part can be combined with the options above, or you can answer just this question in a post.

So whether you embrace any or all of these is up to you!

If you would like to submit a post, e-mail the following to

Your name (as it should appear)
Your blog’s name
Your post’s title
Your post’s URL

And make sure you put “PFAM” in the subject line.

All submissions wishing to be considered should be received by 11:59 p.m. July 13th, 2013 August 13, 2013. 

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to share this link where bloggers might want to share their Social Media and Health blog posts.
