Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Patients For A Moment: The Year In Review Edition

Welcome to the latest edition of the patient-centered blog carnival, Patients For A Moment. This is the last edition of 2010. Can you believe it? I can’t! Where did the time go?

For this edition, I asked readers to wax nostalgic, based on the following question I posed:

What is/are your favorite/best post(s) of 2010?

Participants had the option of submitting a post they wrote some time over the last year, or to come up with a summary piece of all of their writings from 2010.


In the post, 2010 in Review: The Year of the Baby, Laurie Edwards of A Chronic Dose reflects on the past year of a high-risk pregnancy and the birth of her daughter. Laurie, we’re glad to have you back and so proud and happy of all that you have accomplished!

My Life Works Today's Maria Pfeifer anticipates her New Year’s resolution in exploring her relationship with illness, in the post, To Be, or Not To Be,.... She suggests that there is a delicate balance between illness being ignored and taking over our lives.

In the post, PFAM: 2010; the year in review, Phylor of Phylor's Blog, puts a positive spin on the past year. As she says at the end of the post, “2010 was a year of tears, but I chose to remember it best with a post of laughter.” Well said, Phylor!

Nessie, at Lipstick, perfume, and too many pills, shares the things she wishes someone had told her when she was newly diagnosed. Based on the positive response she received on the post, an open letter to you, confirmed her belief in the importance of patient blogs. I think we can all agree with that!

In one of her favorites of the year, Shweta, of the blog it's no more in my head, laments that “if diamonds are a girl’s best friend, shoes are her soul mate..... And not being able to wear nice shoes sucks so much.” Arthritis, she muses, can be such a drag, in the post, My Pretty Shoes Syndrome. Girl, I know exactly how you feel!

In Sickness and In Health's Barbara Kivowitz discusses a topic that is important for the illness experience of couples, although it is rarely talked about, in the post, The Guilt of Illness.

Kathy, of FibroDAZE, shares with us the post that she wrote for Invisible Illness Awareness Week 2010. By talking about everything she can do, helps her when she gets down about everything she can’t do, in the post, Yes I Can!.

From It's Time To Get Over How Fragile You Are, Andrea Martin shares the post, 11 Things My Life Does Not Need In 2011. She has some good ideas. What are some things your life doesn’t need in the year to come?

Rachel B, from Tales of Rachel, tackles her Fear factory. in a post about developing and overcoming her anxiety issues.

In the post, Pacemaker Activity Guidelines, Judith Westerfield, of the blog CreativitytotheMAX, faces her fear of getting a pacemaker by using blogging and humor to cope; and wrote the post, knowing that she had lived through the experience.


Thanks to all of those included in this edition for sharing your best with us!

I’ve really enjoyed coordinating PFAM in 2010, and can’t wait for what’s in store for 2011!

Of course, I didn’t get a chance to finish the post I was working on for this edition of PFAM, but check back on my blog next week for my year in review post.

And please be sure to check out the Patients For A Moment blog for updates and information.

The next edition of PFAM – and the first of the New Year – will be hosted by Glass of Win on January 12, 2011.


  1. Thanks so much for your hard work in keeping this going, Leslie! Great edition!

  2. Yes, thank you! It isn't like you don't have a lot of spare time on your hands these days and your commitment is much appreciated. Wishing you healthier days filled with new adventures in 2011!

  3. Thank you, Leslie, for all your hard work and efforts for/on the pfam blog carnivals. Wishing you a great 2011!

  4. You're all welcome! Thanks so much for your continued participation! Hope you all have a fabulous 2011!
