“Five hundred twenty five thousand
six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand
Five hundred twenty five thousand
moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand
six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year”
First, I’ll start with the other remembrances, and then I will get to the books.
2010 was a year for many things:
The year of Methotrexate:
I chronicled my on again, off again love affair with the drug, in the posts:
- “The Sacrifices We Make To The Medication Gods”
- “A ‘Sick’ Day Or A ‘Typical’ Day?”
- “Running Out”
The year of Repeat Cellulitis:
- “Patient Knows Best”
The year of the Guest Blogger:
I was happy to host Sara Gorman, author of “Despite Lupus”, and Toni Bernhard, author of “How To Be Sick”:
- “Guest Blogger: Sara Gorman”
- “Guest Blogger: Toni Bernhard”
The year of the death of Support Groups:
Virtual support seems to be the beacon, as in-person support groups fizzled out:
- “Hello, Lupie!”
- “Two Years And Counting: The Insight That Comes From Illness”
- “Does Misery Really Love Company?”
The year of annoying and incompetent hospital staff and other “professionals”, and other mishaps:
- “A Good Nurse Knows A Prick When She Sees One (And Some Nurses Are Just Pricks)”
- “Same Stuff, Different Day: Unfortunate Lessons In Disclosure”
- “Patient Relations To The Rescue! (Definitely Something To Be Thankful For)”
The year of Volunteerism:
- “Give And Let Give”
The year of My Second Hospitalization:
- “Worse Date Night Ever (And It’s All My Fault)”
And most importantly…
The year of the Boyfriend, the year of the boyfriend, and oh yeah, did I mention, the year of the boyfriend?
We’ve been dating for nearly a year now, and I couldn’t be happier! I’ve blogged a lot where he’s concerned from disclosing to living to talking about babies and everything in between:
- “Breaking My Own Rules: The Doctor Is In The House”
- “When Your Body Calls, Who Responds?”
- ‘Le Talk’
- ‘I Love You, Don’t Touch Me’
He’s briefly mentioned in passing in many posts, so I’ll leave it to you to find them all.
And now on to the books…
One of my goals for 2010 was to either read all of the books on my shelves that I haven’t read, or get rid of them. Maybe that sounds stupid. But part of my more abstract goals was to get rid of excess baggage, to get rid of the things that are holding me back and/or down.
I did not end up reading all the books on my shelf, but I did set a goal to read at least 50 books, and I surpassed that.
This list includes only books that I read in the entirety. This does not include the countless articles and book chapters that I read for my research.
Reading all these books made me realize that I need to get on writing my own, because some of the stuff out there is just plain crap.
Maybe 2011 will be the year that I write a book!
Anyway, I think the books a person reads says a lot about them. And since I do truly spend so much of my time reading, here goes. You will notice that I do tend to get on author kicks. Hopefully from my list, you'll find something worth reading in the year to come:
1. “Lip Service
2. “Straight From the Hip
3. “Hot on her Heels
4. “The Pursuit of Perfection
5. “Mistaken Identity
6. “As Nature Made Him
7. “Dear John
8. “90 Minutes in Heaven
9. “Despite Lupus
10. “How to Write a Lot
11. “The Art of Being a Healing Presence
12. “Time Management from the Inside Out
13. “The Five People You Meet In Heaven
14. “For One More Day
15. “Have a Little Faith
16. “Cancer Is a Bitch
17. “Messenger
18. “The 9th Judgment
19. “My Stroke of Insight
20. “Better
21. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
22. “Lift
23. “The Short Book
24. “In An Instant
25. “The Middle Place
26. “Hornet Flight
27. “Complications
28. “Private
29. “The Council of Dads
30. “Short
31. “Lupus Q & A
32. “As I Live and Breathe
33. “The Woods
34. “The Postcard Killers
35. “The Innocent
36. “Julie's Story, My Life With Lupus
37. “My (So-Called) Normal Life
38. “Love Story
39. “The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer
40. “Train Go Sorry
41. “Deaf in America
42. “Impure Science
43. ‘So What Are You Going To Do With That?
44. “Courtney’s Legacy” by George Cantor (NF; link not available)
45. “Better Than Well
46. “How to be Sick
47. “Disarmed
48. “Flammable
49. “The Case Against Perfection
50. “Promise Me
51. “Complete Your Dissertation or Thesis in Two Semesters or Less
52. “Normal At Any Cost
53. “Unstoppable in Stilettos
54. “Footprints of Courage
55. “Hoda
56. “Someone Like You
57. “Falling for Gracie
58. “Into Thin Air
(F) – Fiction
(NF) – Non-fiction
* Books specifically of interest to chronically ill readers
** Academic books/books for my research
Wishing all of my readers a very Happy New Year!
Be sure to check out my new blog/business venture: Creating Everlasting Memories (And More!).
And, of course, look for new posts in 2011!