
Thursday, January 5, 2017

2016: Year In Review

2016 began with my moving back home to Michigan.  It ended with dealing with the loss of my grandmother.  There was a fair amount that happened in between, some of which I haven’t even gotten the chance to write about yet (i.e. a new relationship, a move, and gum surgery).  So here’s what I did have the chance to write about…    

I lamented and celebrated pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies:

I struggled with negative emotions:

And the lows of chronic illness:

I celebrated the good things:

And mourned the bad:

And I reviewed some cool products:

Of course, these aren’t all of my posts from 2016, although there were a lot less of them than in past years, but these are the ones I felt were worth highlighting. 

I’d be lying if I said that the last several years have not been difficult.  I lost an uncle, both grandparents, and my dad over the last four years.  But regardless, I keep on keeping on.    

As always, at the end of every Year In Review post, I include a list of books I’ve read over the past year.  This list is much shorter than in the past and includes several that I have read before.  I think I started more books than I finished this year, but here they are:

1.       “Stir” by Jessica Fechtor (NF)*

2.      “Then Came Life” (NF)*

3.      “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi (NF)*

4.      “NYPD 4” by James Patterson and Marshall Karp (F)

5.      “Spark Joy” by Marie Kondo (NF)

6.      “The Beach House” by James Patterson and Peter de Jonge (F)

7.      “Courtney’s Legacy” by George Cantor (NF)

8.     “The Trial” by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (F)

9.      “Fairy Tale Interrupted” by Rosemarie Terenzio (NF)

10.  “Die Young With Me” by Rob Rufus (NF)*

(F) – Fiction; (NF) – Non-fiction

* Books specifically of interest to chronically ill readers

1 comment:

  1. Leslie I am so Sorry to hear of the passing of you grandmother. Sheryl and I hope you will have a remarkable 2017.
