
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Patients For A Moment: Winter Blues Edition

This month, I asked people how they cope with the winter blues.  This has been a particularly long and hard winter, especially in my home state of Michigan and here in New York.  And those who know me well, know that I’m a summer baby, so needless to say, I’ve had enough.    

While Iris Carden of the blog Sometimes, it is Lupus, reminds me that it’s not freezing cold everywhere in the world right now,  she does a good job of providing an overview about how the weather, and specifically temperature, impacts her lupus, in the post Ain’t No Cure For The Summertime Blues.

Duncan Cross is coping with winter by going to Florida.  He says he used to be skeptical that warmer weather can be helpful to health, but now he understands why. 

Rhiann Johns of the blog My Brain Lesion and Me, talks about how the cold increases her pain, and that this winter, she is staying active in order to manage it, in the post Don’t be SAD...Banish Those Winter Blues.

Migrainista Emily talks about the fact that winter can be fun for awhile, but this winter has just been too much, in the post Beating the winter blues.  

Thanks to all who submitted posts for this month.

If you didn’t submit a post but have a related one, please feel free to link it in the comments – only related posts, though, please.

Next month’s PFAM will be hosted by Duncan Cross.

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